Pikesville Lunch and Learn

Balei Batim from Pikesville joined together this past Tuesday for a Lunch and Learn shiur from Harav Tzvi Einstadter Audio from the Shiur:
Los Angeles Alumni Event

Over 100 people gathered this past sunday in Los Angeles for the Yeshiva’s annual Alumni event. Harav Sheftel Neuberger and Harav Shraga Neuberger spoke. Harav Eliyahu Hakkakian attended as well.
Bnei Gad, Bnei Reuven, and Chatzi Shevet Menashe

ראובן גד וחצי שבט מנשה HaRav Yosef Chanoch Neuberger examines the parsha of Moshe Rabbeinu giving the land ever l’Yarden to Bnei Gad, Bnei Reuven and Chatzi Shevet Menashe. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to alumnishiur@nirc.edu