Elul Zman begins in Yeshiva and Mechina

The Yeshiva and Mechina started Elul Zman this week. The Yeshiva started on Sunday evening and the Mechina started with Shiur and a Schmooze from Harav Simcha Cook on Tuesday evening. They are learning the beginning of Bava Kamma this zman.
Summer Learning 2018

For the fifth summer, Reb Yehuda Weiner ran an optional night seder learning program in Mercaz Torah U’Tefilla for Mechina bochurim in Baltimore. This year, Harav Simcha Cook gave a nightly shiur to bochurim coming out of 9th grade. On Thursday nights parents sponsored chulent and kugel and a lively kumzits was enjoyed by the participants.
Elul and the Essence of Teshuva

ימי רצון לתשובה HaRav Beryl Weisbord pinpoints the essence of teshuva and explains what our goal is during the yemei ratzon of Elul through Yom haKippurim Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to alumnishiur@nirc.edu