Alumni Gathering in Mexico – Torah, Memories and Enchiladas

Last week, the Yeshiva organized an Alumni gathering in Mexico City, attended by Rabbi Isaac Neuman, the Yeshiva’s Director of Latin American Programs. More that 40 talmidim attended this first ever event! This gathering served as an opportunity for our Mexican alumni to reconnect with the Yeshiva and their Rebbeim. A video presentation was shown […]
Kollel Seudas Preida

This week, the Yeshiva hosted a special seudas preida in honor of the members of Kollel Avodas Levi advancing to positions in Klei Kodesh. More than a dozen current members of the Kollel will be taking up positions as Avreichim and Rebbeim in various communities around the country. Over 200 Avreichim and their wives were […]
Parshas Matos 5783

בענין שבט לוי HaRav Shraga Neuberger shares a powerful vort from the Imrei Emes who highlights their special willingness to do ratzon Hashem and how it applies to us. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to No URL defined for WonderPlugin PDF Embed