51st Yahrtzeit of the Mashgiach, Moreinu Harav Dovid Kronglas zt”l

11 Teves, marked the 51st yahrtzeit of the Mashgiach Moreinu Harav Dovid Kronglas zt”l, which fell out this year on Shabbos. Liluy nishmaso, the Yeshiva held a special program in the Yeshiva Bais Hamedrash, on Thursday evening before the fast. Program: Divrei zichronos from the Rosh Hayeshiva, Harav Aharon Feldman shlit”a, and Rabbi Dovid Isbee […]
Parshas Vayechi 5784

בענין שמירת עינים HaRav Benzion Mellman discusses the brocha that Yaakov Avinu gave Yehuda, which highlights shemiras eynayim and connects it to Moshiach. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to alumnishiur@nirc.edu.