Rabbi Yaakov Robinson

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson a Chicago native, is a musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel. He has been a Co-Rav in Mikor Hachaim in Chicago since 2011 and has served as Executive Director of the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim since 2013. Additionally, he is on the Orthodox Rabbinic Task Force for SHALVA, and a member of the Vaad Hachinuch for JDBY-YTT. Rabbi Robinson is a sought after speaker that has lectured in many shuls, schools, conventions and other events nationally.
Ronald Wilhelm

Ronald Wilhelm of Cincinnati is very active in almost all of the city’s Torah institutions, He started his first business venture at 20 years old, while still living on Ner Yisroel’s campus; currently he is a principal at Communicare Health Services, a Cincinnati healthcare firm.
Rabbi Moshe Matz

Rabbi Moshe Matz directed a Kollel in Mexico City before returning to his native Miami, where serves as Director of Agudath Israel of Florida, teaches in Bais Yaakov high school, is the Rav of the Aventura Shul, and is on the vaad harabbanim of the local KM Kashrus organization. He has been involved in Camp Or Haner – a camp on Ner Yisroel’s campus for boys from South America – for over 23 years.
Rabbi Dovid Kimche

Rabbi Dovid Kimche a London native, currently resides in Boca Raton, FL where he is the Dean of Students at Ohr Hatorah Yeshiva High School (Hollywood, FL). Previously, he taught at Torah Academy in Columbus, OH and was the Director of the local NCSY where he visited the local public schools for weekly Lunch & Learns and arranged inspirational and immersive Shabbatonim.
Avromi Abish

Avromi Abish has lived with his family in Toronto for the past twenty years, where he is highly active in the community’s klal affairs. He is the currently the CEO of Hearing Solutions, a chain of retail healthcare centers, which he has grown to over 25 stores across Ontario. He is heavily involved in the running of Beis Medrash Shoavei Mayim and serves on the boards of several mosdos in the city.
“Ner Yisroel changed my view of what it means to be involved and to do for the klal. By example, the hanhalla demonstrated that if one can do for their community they simply have a responsibility to act and make a difference.”
Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield

Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield has been serving as the Head of School at Yeshiva Torat Emet in Houston, TX, since 2011. Under his leadership, the school has experienced astounding growth, both in enrollment and as well as the excellence of its students in learning and personal growth. Prior to that, he lived in Atlanta, where he served as school counselor at the Torah Day School of Atlanta, youth director at Congregation Ariel, and assistant principal at Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael.