91st Annual Yeshiva Dinner – Greatness Beyond Boundaries

Boruch Hashem this year’s 91st Annual Dinner was a tremendous success, as together we celebrated this year’s dinner themeצא ולמד “Greatness Beyond Boundaries” – highlighting the impact that Ner Yisroel has made for thousands across the globe. The day began with a Yarchei Kallah on the Yeshiva campus where alumni and guests spent time hearing words of Torah from their Rebbeim and reconnecting with chaveirim. The festivities then moved downtown to the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Guests enjoyed an evening of delicious cuisines amidst the backdrop of live music and singing from Dovy Meisels and visuals from Eagle Production Co.
New for this year were two breakout sessions where guests had the opportunity to hear live divrei chizuk from their Rebbeim at the dinner.

Thank you to our honorees; Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi Ray, Rabbi & Mrs. Akiva Eisenstadt, Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Kanner, Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Zweig and Mr. & Mrs. Doniel Kohengadol.  It was our honor to partner with you on this very special event.

Thank you to the Dinner Chairmen and Ambassadors for the many hours of tireless work to make the dinner campaign so successful.

Dinner Highlight Video Click Here – Thank you Noam Lewis of Skye Media

Dinner Program Videos and Honoree Videos  Click Here – Thank you Chananya Kramer and the entire team at KolRom

Dinner Journal – Click HereThank you AMF Creative for all of the dinner graphics

Kuntres Meoros Haner on Chanukah – Click Here

Dinner Photo Album – Click Here – Thank you Israel Orange Photography and Jeff Cohn Photography

Yarchei Kallah on Campus Shiurim Video, Audio and Pictures – Click Here

Breakout Sessions at the Dinner Video and Audio – Click Here

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