Camp Or Haner – Winter 2025

Founded in 1986 by R’ Moshe Fuller z”l, a Ner Yisroel talmid and native of Mexico, Camp Or Haner provides teenagers from Latin America with an environment of warmth, fun and connection to Yiddishkeit and their Jewish heritage. This winter, the Yeshiva again hosted two groups from Panama/Latin America for their summer break on the Yeshiva’s campus. During their visit, the group spends time with Rebbeim and members of Kollel Avodas Levi as well as going on trips around Baltimore and Washington, D.C.  Over the years past participants of the camp have gone on to join the Mechinas or Yeshiva and have gone on to become leaders in their communities.

Additionally, 8 bochurim came during their summer break to join Mechinas Ner Yisroel.  These boys spent their time fully embedded in the regular Mechina schedule, attending shiur and spending their time learning in the Beis Medrash.

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