Mishmar Week 5

The fifth and final week of the Thursday night Mishmar in Yeshiva program during Elul continued with a strong showing of alumni baalei batim learning late at night in the Yeshiva Bais Medrash. The Rabbeim were very excited to see so many alumni coming out to Yeshiva so late to learn. A number of fathers […]

Mishmar week 4

The fourth week of the Thursday night Mishmar in Yeshiva program during Elul continued with a strong showing of alumni baalei batim learning late at night in the Yeshiva Bais Medrash. A number of the Rabbeim participated, as well as a number of fathers learning with their sons, to make the last Thursday night of […]

Lunch and Learn – Pikesville

A week before the Yomim Noraim, Harav Tzvi Berkowitz gave a Lunch and Learn Shiur at Milk and Honey Bistro in Pikesville. The Shiur was on the topic of Mitzvos Lav Lehanos Nitnu, specifically the case of Tokaya Lshiur. The program was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Gil Horwitz Audio Photos

Mishmar week 3

The Thursday night Mishmar program during Elul had a larger crowd than the previous week and we were forced to move Harav Einstadter’s shiur at 11:30pm to Harav Berkowitz’s Blatt room to accommodate.  The Rabbeim were uplifted to see so many Balei Batim come out to Yeshiva to learn in Bais Medrash so late at […]

Lunch and Learn – Social Security Administration

A couple weeks before the Yomim Noraim, Harav Shraga Neuberger gave a Lunch and Learn Shiur at the Social Security Administration campus. The Shiur was on the topic of the Rambam’s category of mitzvos and what category Shofar falls under. The program was sponsored L’iluy Nishmas Yisrael Yehuda ben Chaim Refael. Audio Photos

Mishmar week 2

The second week of the Yeshiva’s Thursday night Mishmar in Elul program was a huge success. After Maariv over fifty alumni learned in Yeshiva Bais Medrash, enjoyed some chulent and potato kugel and attended a shiur on the sugya, Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavana, from Harav Tzvi Einstadter. A number of Yeshiva Rabbeim participated in the seder […]

Hascholas Hazman in Mechina

The Mechina began another year at capacity of 245 bochurim. The Bais Medrash is packed; especially on Thursday night’s for mishmar learning of local bochurim with their fathers.

Hascholas Hazman in Yeshiva

The Yeshiva began Elul Zman with 290 bochurim which is over a 10 percent increase over last year’s enrollment. The Kollel currently has 212 Yungeleit. The kol Torah in the Bais Medrash is incredible.

Dining Room Construction Update

The dining room construction is moving along and the outer walls of the new kitchen are almost finished. One of the donors of the new kitchen, Mr. Leslie Klein, came to visit and see the progress.

Thursday Night Mishmar

The Yeshiva started a late night Thursday night mishmar for Baalei Batim of the community. Close to 100 attendees came for the first week. The Rosh Hayeshiva, Moreinu Harav Aharon Feldman shlit”a, gave a Hakdama Shiur on the Sugya of Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavana, followed by a one hour seder. Subsequent weeks will start with a […]

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