Yahrtzeit of the Mashgiach, Harav Dovid Kronglas zt”l
The forty sixth Yahrtzeit of the Mashgiach, Moreinu Harav Dovid Kronglas zt”l, was on the 11th of Teves, Dec. 19th. Liluy Nishmaso, the Yeshiva held a special seder in the Yeshiva Bais Medrash following the Taanis. Harav Sheftel Neuberger delivered a shiur from the Mashgiach’s Torah to the Bnei Hayeshiva as well as the Talmidim of […]
Mechina Chanukah Mesibos 2018
The Mechina enjoyed the various Mesibos in the Dining Room and at their Rabbeim’s homes. It is a wonderful opportunity for each Bochur to spend time with the Rabbeim in a relaxed atmosphere. A special thank you to Mr. Bill Goldberg for providing the delicious doughnuts and latkes for all of the Mesibos.
Yeshiva Chanukah Mesibos 2018
The Yeshiva enjoyed the various Mesibos in the Dining Room and at their Rabbeim’s homes. It is a wonderful opportunity for each Bochur to spend time with the Rabbeim in a relaxed atmosphere. A special thank you to Mr. Bill Goldberg for providing the delicious doughnuts and latkes for all of the Mesibos.
Yarchei Kallah – Dinner 2018
Prior to the 85th Annual Dinner, the Yeshiva held a special Yarchei Kallah for alumni from Baltimore and beyond to reconnect and hear shiurim from Harav Tzvi Berkowitz and Harav Yissocher Frand on the topic of E-Commerce on Shabbos. Video, audio and Maareh Mikomos are below. Video: Audio: Maareh Mikomos:
Dinner 2018
The 2018 dinner was truly a special and memorable event. Over 1,000 alumni and friends of the Yeshiva joined the Rebbeim and Hanhala for an evening of achdus and inspiration, and the feelings of warmth and excitement were readily apparent. Thank you to all of our alumni and friends for making this year’s dinner an […]
18th Yahrtzeit of Moreinu Harav Yaakov Moshe Kulefsky zt”l
Sunday, Nov. 11th, Gimmel Kislev was the 18th Yahrtzeit of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu Harav Yaakov Moshe Kulefsky zt”l. There was a Shiur Zicoron in the Yeshiva Bais Hamedrash given by his son in law, Harav Dovid Rosenbaum shlit”a. Immediately following the shiur there was a Seudas Siyum in the Sindler Dining Hall where the Rosh […]
Mishpacha Dinner Ads 5779
This week’s Mishpacha magazine has these ads about the Ner Yisroel Dinner Click here to make a reservation or place an ad
Rabbi Berkowitz Shiur at Yeshiva Gedolah of the Five Towns
Harav Tzvi Berkowitz’s shuir at Yeshiva Gedolah of the Five Towns while he was in New York for the Five Towns Alumni Shabbos
A Dinner 50 Years In The Making – Teaser Video
Click here to make reservations and place journal ads online
Pikesville Lunch and Learn – Harav Tzvi Berkowitz
This week Harav Tzvi Berkowitz gave a Lunch and Learn shiur in Pikesville about the role of Eirusin and Kiddushin for Goyim. Special thanks to our anonymous sponsor and the Law Offices of Reuven Klein for hosting