Generations of Israel Kiruv Trip

For the 6th year in a row, the Yeshiva hosted a group of graduate college students from Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion University. They were a part of a yearlong leadership program run by Rabbi Avrohom Cook, called Generations of Israel. The purpose of their visit was to give them an opportunity to see and interact with […]

Yeshiva – Simchas Bais Hashoeva 2018

On the first day of Chol Hamoed the Yeshiva held its annual Simchas Bais Hashoeva in the Yeshiva Dinning Room and Succah. Lively dancing was followed by Divrei Torah in the Succah from the Philadelphia Rosh Hayeshiva, Moreinu Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky. Harav Shraga Neuberger then spoke on the 13th Yahrtzeit of his father, Harav Naftali […]

Mechina – Simchas Bais Hashoeva 2018

Motzei Yom Tov of the first days the Mechina bochurim in Baltimore came back to Yeshiva for a special Simchas Bais Hashoeva together with their Rabbeim. Harav Bentzion Mellman shared divrei Torah in the succah following the dancing. Special thank you to Mechina alumnus Aryeh Singer for singing and current 11th grader Shlomo Sonnenberg for […]

Pre Yomim Noraim Yarchei Kallah 2018

On Labor Day, the second day of slichos, the Yeshiva held a Yarchei Kallah for three shuls: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion, Shomrei Emunah and Suburban Orthodox. Rabbi Marwick, Rabbi Hauer and Rabbi Silber were all in attendance together with their congregants to be inspired before the Yomim Noraim. Harav Beryl Weisbord gave divrei psicha, followed […]

Elul Zman begins in Yeshiva and Mechina

The Yeshiva and Mechina started Elul Zman this week. The Yeshiva started on Sunday evening and the Mechina started with Shiur and a Schmooze from Harav Simcha Cook on Tuesday evening. They are learning the beginning of Bava Kamma this zman.

Summer Learning 2018

For the fifth summer, Reb Yehuda Weiner ran an optional night seder learning program in Mercaz Torah U’Tefilla for Mechina bochurim in Baltimore. This year, Harav Simcha Cook gave a nightly shiur to bochurim coming out of 9th grade. On Thursday nights parents sponsored chulent and kugel and a lively kumzits was enjoyed by the participants.

Pikesville Lunch and Learn

Balei Batim from Pikesville joined together this past Tuesday for a Lunch and Learn shiur from Harav Tzvi Einstadter Audio from the Shiur:

Los Angeles Alumni Event

Over 100 people gathered this past sunday in Los Angeles for the Yeshiva’s annual Alumni event. Harav Sheftel Neuberger and Harav Shraga Neuberger spoke. Harav Eliyahu Hakkakian attended as well.

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