Tzom Gedalia Divrei Hisorirus in Lakewood
On Tzom Gedalia the Yeshiva arranged Divrei Hisorirus for alumni living and learning in Lakewood, NJ. Harav Zvi Einstadter spoke about the proper level of Hakoras Hatov we need to show to הקב”ה as we prepare for Yom Hakippurim. Thank you to R’ Shlomo Kehos Einstadter and R’ Yehuda Heber for their efforts in helping […]
Lunch and Learn in Pikesville During Aseres Yimei Teshuva
Harav Yehuda Weiner gave a Lunch and Learn shiur in Pikesville in preparation for Yom Kippur. Thank you to Luxenburg & Bronfin for hosting and sponsoring this event.
Ner Limoadim – Sukkos 5785
Yom Kippur 5785
Moreinu Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Aharon Feldman on Rosh Hashana 5785
Divrei Hissorirus for Yomim Noraim from Harav Tzvi Berkowitz
This past Sunday evening Harav Tzvi Berkowitz delivered Divrei Hisorirus to the Baltimore community in preparation for the Yomim Noraim.
Latin American Yarchei Kallah 2024
Last week a group of over 20 Ner Yisroel alumni from Mexico, Panama and Chile spent an extended stay in Yeshiva in preparation for the Yomin Noraim. This Second Annual Latin American Yarchei Kallah was arranged by Rabbi Isaac Neuman, director of the Yeshiva’s Latin American program. The visit began with three days of sedarim, […]
Mechina Thursday Night Mishmor
Each Thursday evening, fathers and grandfathers of Mechina Talmidim come to the Mechina for Mishmor, providing a special opportunity to experience the Kol Torah of the Mechina Beis Medrash firsthand while learning with their sons.After the final Mishmor of Elul Zman, Harav Yosef Neuberger delivered Divrei Chizuk in preparation for the Yamim Noraim. We hope […]
Lunch and Learn in Downtown Baltimore in Elul
Last week the Yeshiva held a Lunch and Learn in Downtown Baltimore in preparation for the Yomim Noraim. The shiur was given by Harav Avraham Tabrikian. The shiur was sponsored by Mr. David Kuryk in memory of Harav Calman Weinreb zt”l, his childhood friend. For many years, Harav Weinreb zt”l said an annual Lunch and […]
Yarchei Kallah for the Sephardic Community of Baltimore
Sunday, September 22, the Yeshiva hosted a special Yarchei Kallah for the Sephardic Community of Baltimore. In preparation for the Yomim Noraim former Talmidim and friends of Ner Yisroel spent the day on campus hearing shiurim and divrei chizuk from Moreinu Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Aharon Feldman, shlita, Harav Shraga Neuberger, Harav Yissocher Frand and Harav […]