Alumni Gathering in Mexico – Torah, Memories and Enchiladas
Last week, the Yeshiva organized an Alumni gathering in Mexico City, attended by Rabbi Isaac Neuman, the Yeshiva’s Director of Latin American Programs. More that 40 talmidim attended this first ever event! This gathering served as an opportunity for our Mexican alumni to reconnect with the Yeshiva and their Rebbeim. A video presentation was shown […]
National Yarchei Kallah 5783
On Sunday May 21st, the Yeshiva hosted a Yarchei Kallah on campus. The sugya d’kalla was Amira L’Akum. The day’s schedule was full of shiurim and shmuezen by various members of the hanhala and members of Kollel Avodas Levi. Those who attended in person or viewed the sessions via livestream enjoyed hearing from Moreinu Rosh […]
New York Alumni Event
Talmidim of Ner Yisroel came together for an evening of Torah, chizuk and reconnecting with their Rebbeim and their chaveirim at the elegant El Caribe Country Club. Talmidim heard divrei hisorirus and shiurim from the mashgiach HaRav Beryl Weisbord, HaRav Tzvi Berkowitz and HaRav Yissocher Frand. Unique to this event was a pair of exciting […]
Los Angeles Alumni Event 2022
On Sunday July 24th the Yeshiva held its annual alumni event in the Los Angeles area. Over one hundred talmidim and friends of the Yeshiva came out for an evening of Torah and chizzuk. Words of Torah were delivered by the Mashgiach, Harav Beryl Weisbord and Harav Shraga Neuberger. The event was MC’d by the […]
Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah 2022
The Yeshiva hosted a two day Yarchei Kallah on Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day weekend. The sugya d’kalla was Pikuach Nefesh. The days’ schedule was full of shiurim and shmuezen by various members of the Hanhala. Hundreds of in person attendees and nearly a thousand more via livestream enjoyed hearing from Moreinu Rosh HaYeshiva […]
Munk Family Hachnosas Sefer Torah
On Sunday, May 1st the Yeshiva held an Hachnosas Sefer Torah on campus. The new sefer was written by Rabbi Shlomo Naiman in memory and in honor of Rabbi Herman Naftoli Neuberger zt”l, the long time President of Ner Yisroel. The sefer was dedicated by the family of Dr. and Mrs. Zev Munk of Houston, […]
Lakewood Alumni Melaveh Malka 5782
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayigash 5782 the Yeshiva held its annual alumni Melaveh Malka in Lakewood. Harav Tzvi Berkowitz and Harav Yosef Neuberger spoke. Audio Recording Photos
Latin American Divrei Chizzuk for Shavuos
Audio Video
Winter Yarchei Kallah
Videos Audio Maareh Mikomos Maareh Mikomos for Harav Rosenbaum’s Shiur Maareh Mikomos for Harav Einstadter’s Shiur