Pre Yomim Noraim Yarchei Kallah 2018

On Labor Day, the second day of slichos, the Yeshiva held a Yarchei Kallah for three shuls: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion, Shomrei Emunah and Suburban Orthodox. Rabbi Marwick, Rabbi Hauer and Rabbi Silber were all in attendance together with their congregants to be inspired before the Yomim Noraim. Harav Beryl Weisbord gave divrei psicha, followed […]

Pikesville Lunch and Learn

Balei Batim from Pikesville joined together this past Tuesday for a Lunch and Learn shiur from Harav Tzvi Einstadter Audio from the Shiur:

Los Angeles Alumni Event

Over 100 people gathered this past sunday in Los Angeles for the Yeshiva’s annual Alumni event. Harav Sheftel Neuberger and Harav Shraga Neuberger spoke. Harav Eliyahu Hakkakian attended as well.

Rav Ruderman zt”l Yahrtzeit Siyum

Wednesday evening the Yeshiva held the 31st Yahrtzeit siyum for the Rosh Hayeshiva Moreinu VRabbeinu Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Halevi Ruderman zt”l in the Sindler Dining Hall. After the Siyum, the Rosh Hayeshiva, Harav Aharon Feldman shlit”a, spoke which was followed by a shiur of the Rosh Hayeshiva zt”l’s Torah given by Reb Yehuda Weisbord. Harav […]

Passaic Alumni Breakfast

On Sunday, June 3rd, HaRav Tzvi Berkowitz Shlita addressed a gathering of alumni in Passaic, New Jersey.  He spoke about the challenges facing Bnei Torah in the workplace and how best to navigate them.  The presentation was followed by a Question & Answer session which covered a range of other topics as well. Thank you […]

Yarchei Kallah Shiur

Brachos on Mitzvos D’Rabonan HaRav Dovid Rosenbaum traveled to Atlanta, GA to say a shiur as part of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah. Play Stop X

5 Shul Yarchei Kallah in Yeshiva

In preparation for the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos, five local shuls, Derech Chaim, Kehilath B’nai Torah, Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek, Kol Torah, and Mercaz Torah UTefilla, gathered in Ner Yisroel’s Bais Medrash for a Yarchei Kallah. The day of learning schedule included shiurim and divrei chizzuk from the Rosh Hayeshiva, Harav Aharon Feldman, the Mashgiach, […]

Lunch & Learns in Manhattan, Baltimore and Pikesville

As part of our increased outreach to our talmidim the Yeshiva recently held a number of Lunch and Learns in Pikesville, Downtown Baltimore and Manhattan. Shiurim were given by Harav Shraga Neuberger in Pikesville, Harav Calmen Weinreb in Baltimore and Harav Yissocher Frand in Manhattan. Audio from all of these events can be found at

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