Parshas Bo 5781

עֻגֹת מַצּוֹת כִּי לֹא חָמֵץ HaRav Yissocher Frand explains the significance of matzah representing that Bnei Yisroel had no time to prepare food for their departure- Yeshuas Hashem K’Heref Ayin. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Va’era 5781

נושא בעול אם חבירו HaRav Shraga Neuberger details how Levi named his children for their midda of nosei b’ol im chaveiro, and shares Torah from the Alter of Kelm on this inyan. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to No URL defined for WonderPlugin PDF Embed
Parshas Shemos 5781

מצות פריעה HaRav Zvi Einstatder examines the parsha of Tzipora giving bris mila and the origin of mitzvas pri’a. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Vayechi 5781

מחילת יוסף HaRav Tzvi Krakauer is me’ayin into the extent of the mechila which Yosef granted his brothers for selling him. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Vayigash 5781

בכיה מביא גאולה HaRav Eliahu Hakakian delves deeper into what Yosef was crying for his brothers about and what such crying accomplishes. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Chanuka 5781-2

נר חנוכה ונר שבת- השראת שכינה במקום של שלום HaRav Simcha Cook explains why one must sell their shirt for Ner Chanuka but not for Ner Shabbos, while Ner Shabbos still takes precedence, as well as why “haragil b’ner” produces talmidim chachomim in their children, not themselves. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed […]
Chanuka Kuntres 5781

Chanuka 5781

יפת אלקים ליפת וישכן באהלי שם The Rosh Hayeshiva, HaRav Aharon Feldman shlita, answers a seeming contradiction between the Gemara allowing for Torah to be translated into Greek while one of the reasons for the tzom of Asara b’Teves being that the Greeks translated the Torah. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed […]
Parshas Vayishlach 5781

שלום דוחה את האמת HaRav Shraga Neuberger explains why Yaakov Avinu paid Esav such a high price at their reunion to maintain his hold on the bechora when it was rightfully his already. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Vayeitzei 5781

חיוב יתירה של שומר שכר HaRav Noach Shafran breaks down the gemara’s machlokes regarding the extra-level shmera required of a shomer sachar, applying it to Yaakov Avinu’s work done for Lavan. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to