Rosh Hashanah 5781- “Yom Teruah”

ראש השנה- ״יום תרועה״ ו״זכרון תרועה״ Moreinu Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Aharon Feldman, shlit”a, explains the dichotomy of Rosh Hashanah as the “yom teruah” and “zichron teruah.” For questions and comments on any of the shtiklach, please email
Parshas Netzavim-Vayelech 5780

י“ג מדות הרחמים HaRav Sheftel Neuberger defines the tefilla of the Yud-Gimmel Middos Harachamim based upon teachings of the Mashgiach zt”l, HaRav Dovid Kronglass. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Ki Savo 5780

“ארור שכב עם-חתנתו“ HaRav Zvi Einstatder is m’ayin into the Arur of “Shocheiv Im Chosanto”, explaining the machlokes on the parameters of the issur and onesh. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Ki Seitzei 5780

“לא תדרש בשלמם וטבתם כל ימיך לעולם“ HaRav Shraga Neuberger examines the implications of the issurim of Ger Amoni & Moavi to join “Kehal Hashem,” and “lo sidrosh shelomam v’tovasam…” Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Shoftim 5780

לך אל נמלה עצל“- עצלות בא מיאוש“ HaRav Beryl Weisbord shares a pshat from Moreinu v’Rabbeinu HaRav Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg zt”l on the Midrash explaining Shlomo Hamelech’s eitza for the lazy person to learn from the ant. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Tu B’Av 5780

נחמה מתוך אבילות HaRav Eliyahu Steinhardt probes the immediate switch from Aveilus of Tisha B’Av to the Shiva d’Nechemta, explaining how the Aveilus fuels our Tzipuy l’Yeshua. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Tisha B’Av 5780

שורש של שנאת חנם Moreinu Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Aharon Feldman shlita explains the comparison of eating on Tisha B’Av to eating the gid hanasheh, as well as the underlying cause of sinas chinam and its implications. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Devorim 5780

“…כל המתאבל על ירושלים“ HaRav Pinchas Jurkowitz shares a mehalech how we can tap into feeling the Aveilus for the Churban Bais Hamikdosh. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Matos-Masei 5780

סדר ימים טובים וחדשי השנה HaRav Ezra Neuberger shares a global approach of how to view the Moadim in the Jewish calendar, and focuses on how the Three Weeks fit into that perspective. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to
Parshas Pinchas 5780

יום טוב הגדול בתמוז HaRav Beryl Weisbord is m’ayin into the Yalkut describing the “Yom Tov HaGAdol of Tammuz,” what it was meant to be and what is was meant for. Questions and comments on the shiur can be emailed to