Roshei Kollel Yarchei Kallah
On Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 4th & 5th, Yeshivas Ner Yisroel hosted a special Yarchei Kallah for Roshei Kollel of Community Kollelim. Thirteen Kollelim from around the country participated in the event. Rabbi Doniel Pranksy, Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel, Rabbi Menachem Winter, Rosh Kollel of the Greater Washington Community Kollel, and Rabbi […]
Yeshiva Chanukah Mesibos 2018
The Yeshiva enjoyed the various Mesibos in the Dining Room and at their Rabbeim’s homes. It is a wonderful opportunity for each Bochur to spend time with the Rabbeim in a relaxed atmosphere. A special thank you to Mr. Bill Goldberg for providing the delicious doughnuts and latkes for all of the Mesibos.
Generations of Israel Kiruv Trip
For the 6th year in a row, the Yeshiva hosted a group of graduate college students from Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion University. They were a part of a yearlong leadership program run by Rabbi Avrohom Cook, called Generations of Israel. The purpose of their visit was to give them an opportunity to see and interact with […]
Yeshiva – Simchas Bais Hashoeva 2018
On the first day of Chol Hamoed the Yeshiva held its annual Simchas Bais Hashoeva in the Yeshiva Dinning Room and Succah. Lively dancing was followed by Divrei Torah in the Succah from the Philadelphia Rosh Hayeshiva, Moreinu Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky. Harav Shraga Neuberger then spoke on the 13th Yahrtzeit of his father, Harav Naftali […]
Elul Zman begins in Yeshiva and Mechina
The Yeshiva and Mechina started Elul Zman this week. The Yeshiva started on Sunday evening and the Mechina started with Shiur and a Schmooze from Harav Simcha Cook on Tuesday evening. They are learning the beginning of Bava Kamma this zman.
Sefer Chofetz Chaim Chaburah Siyum
For well over a decade, there has been a chabura every morning in the Ner Yisroel Mechina that has grown larger each year. This Chabura is only for a few minutes after shacharis, and the limud is Sefer Chofetz Chaim to learn Hilchos Shemiras HaLashon and Lashon Hara. With those few minutes every single day over the course of the […]
New Zman in Yeshiva
The Bais Medrash started off the new zman with excitement and Hasmoda as many new faces joined the Yeshiva.
Yeshiva Simchas Bais Hashoeva in Baltimore
Many alumni joined the Yeshiva’s Simchas Bais Hashoeva held in the dining room and Succa of the Yeshiva on Sunday evening of Chol Hamoed. After festive dancing in the dining room, Harav Shraga Neuberger addressed the gathering in the Succa. This year the Simchas Bais Hashoeva fell out on Harav Naftoli Halevi Neuberger zt”l’s 11th […]