Ner Yisroel alumni across the globe point to the encouragement, support and example set by the Roshei Yeshiva and Hanhalah as their motivation for getting involved and making a difference in their community and beyond.

Baltimore, MD
Beyond Ner Yisroel’s influence as a thriving makom Torah with a large Jewish kehilla in its orbit, a majority of the communal infrastructure of greater Baltimore was built, and continues to be fortified, by its alumni. More and more shuls are creating night kollelim staffed by Ner Yisroel’s yungeleit; Daf Yomi and other regular shiurim are delivered by learned ba’alei battim who are proud Ner Yisroel alumni. Most of Baltimore’s shuls are led by rabbanim who are talmidim of the Yeshiva and personify its signature hashpa’ah; this includes the largest and most vibrant shuls that are not just places to daven, but genuine kehillos that inspire their families’ spiritual growth. Most of the city’s Mosdos Hachinuch have administration and Rebbeim from Ner Yisroel. Baltimore’s Bikur Cholim was founded by Rebbetzin Weinberg a”h; Hatzalah of Baltimore, Ahavas Yisrael (Tomchei Shabbos), Vaad Hakashrus, the unique cooperation and mutual respect between the various factions within the community are all the products of the chinuch imbued by the Roshei Yeshiva and Harav Naftali Neuberger that has become the hallmark of the Yeshiva’s host city.
Atlanta, GA
In the 1950s, while other synagogues in Atlanta were moving away from Orthodoxy, Rabbi Emanuel Feldman, a young musmach of Ner Yisroel, assumed the pulpit of the Beth Jacob shul and began a slow but steady revolution. His influence brought hundreds of families closer to Torah observance, helped build other kehillos, boys’ and girls’ elementary and high school yeshivos and a nationally-recognized kashruth certification. His son and successor at Beth Jacob, Rabbi Ilan Feldman (son-in-law of the Rosh Hayeshiva, Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Harav Yaakov Weinberg zt”l), brought the first community outreach kollel to Atlanta, which currently also includes a full-time “in-reach” Kollel, an outreach shul, and continues to build bridges to area Jews of all stripes and inspiring thousands to become full-fledged bnei Torah by following the principled yet inclusive path charted by Rosh HaYeshiva Moreinu V’Rabbeinu Harav Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg zt”l and Harav Naftali Neuberger zt”l. A contingent of bochurim from the community attend Ner Yisroel’s mechina and bais medrash, continuing the circle of impact.
Atlanta, GA
In the 1950s, while other synagogues in Atlanta were moving away from Orthodoxy, Rabbi Emanuel Feldman, a young musmach of Ner Yisroel, assumed the pulpit of the Beth Jacob shul and began a slow but steady revolution. His influence brought hundreds of families closer to Torah observance, helped build other kehillos, boys’ and girls’ elementary and high school yeshivos and a nationally-recognized kashruth certification. His son and successor at Beth Jacob, Rabbi Ilan Feldman (son-in-law of the Rosh Hayeshiva, Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Harav Yaakov Weinberg zt”l), brought the first community outreach kollel to Atlanta, which currently also includes a full-time “in-reach” Kollel, an outreach shul, and continues to build bridges to area Jews of all stripes and inspiring thousands to become full-fledged bnei Torah by following the principled yet inclusive path charted by Rosh HaYeshiva Moreinu V’Rabbeinu Harav Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg zt”l and Harav Naftali Neuberger zt”l. A contingent of bochurim from the community attend Ner Yisroel’s mechina and bais medrash, continuing the circle of impact.
Los Angeles, CA
Ner Yisroel has left an indelible mark on the state of California in general and Los Angeles in particular. Many of the rabbanim and mechanchim that have been here for decades are proud alumni of Ner Yisroel. Klei Kodesh of all ages continue to play a central role in the Torah development of Southern California. Alumni ba'alei battim play a leading role in the support of all of the local mosdos of the community. Of particular note are the thousands of first and second generation Persian Jews who are led by tens of Ner Yisroel alumni in many of shuls, schools and kollelim.
Alumni Spotlight

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson

Ronald Wilhelm

Rabbi Moshe Matz

Rabbi Dovid Kimche

Avromi Abish