Search Results for: Daniel K. Inouye International Airport ▶ ❶⁃❽⓿⓿⁃❷❻❺⁃❾❺❽❶ ✔ Number For Reservations

National Yarchei Kallah 5784

On Sunday June 9th, the Yeshiva hosted its annual national Yarchei Kallah on campus.  The sugya d’kalla was Geirus. Those who attended in person or viewed the sessions via...

Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah 2022

The Yeshiva hosted a two day Yarchei Kallah on Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day weekend. The sugya d’kalla was Pikuach Nefesh. The days’ schedule was full...

Lunch and Learn in Manhattan

Special thanks to Harbor Group International for hosting a pre-Pesach Lunch and Learn with Harav Shraga Neuberger in their New York office. The Yeshiva dedicated this Lunch and Learn Lzecher Nishmas

Minhagim of Pesach

HaRav Yissocher Frand's shiur on the topic of Minhagim at this week's Lunch & Learn that took place at...