Talmid Experience

The Yeshiva provides each talmid with an environment in which all his needs are addressed and conveniently within reach.
Year round – including Shabbosos and Yomim Tovim – he is free to maximize all his time and efforts for growth and development in Torah and Yiras Shamayim.
The Yeshiva provides three nutritious and tasty meals each day. At the Shabbos seudos, the Talmidim are joined by one of the rebbeim, along with his family. The Divrei Torah and Zemiros create an atmosphere of Kedushas Shabbos, leaving an impression that will remain with Talmidim long after they’ve graduated. In case of any allergies or other food-related concerns, the food services manager should be notified. Our highly-experienced and knowledgeable kitchen staff will be as accommodating as possible.
The Bais Medrash dormitories consist of two buildings with a dorm counselor on each floor. An avreich supervises the talmidim in the evenings. There are high-capacity washers and dryers available to the students around-the-clock, as well as an on campus dry-cleaning drop-off site where items can be brought and picked up upon delivery.
A resident physician (Dr. Julian Jakobovits, MD) and three registered nurses live on the Yeshiva campus; the doctor has office hours almost every night and prescriptions can be delivered to the Yeshiva.
The Beren Campus
Within its tranquil, self-contained environs, Ner Yisroel strives to provide vivid lessons, role models, peers and other influences that present Torah as a prism through which the talmid sees and judges the world. The entire faculty and many of the Kollel yungeleit reside on campus with their families in a close-knit, community setting known as Yeshiva Lane, creating an atmosphere of Torah and kedusha.
College Programs
Ner Yisroel is first and foremost a Yeshiva where Torah is studied day and night. With that understanding, there comes a point in a Talmid’s life that he may feel the need to begin to prepare for the time when he will leave the walls of the Bais Medrash. Ner Yisroel enables its talmidim to pursue a secular college degree at an outside school, concurrent with their Yeshiva studies, with guidelines in place to minimize the impact on their Yeshiva studies.
Ner Yisroel has partnered with Johns Hopkins University for a number of graduate degree options. An MBA, MS in Finance, Real Estate, as well as other business related Master’s degrees are offered through JHU’s Carey School of Business. Our arrangement with JHU allows our students to begin taking classes for these degrees before completing their bachelor’s degree (BTL).
Ner Yisroel also offers an MS in Education through JHU’s School of Education. Classes are comprised of a cohort of Ner Yisroel students, taught by both Johns Hopkins professors and Ner Yisroel graduates currently serving in the field of education. The program has a focus on Jewish education and chinuch.
All other post-graduate degrees offered by Johns Hopkins’ graduate schools are available to our students as well (these, as well as the MS in Education, are only possible after earning a BTL).
A cohort of Ner Yisroel students earn a degree in interdisciplinary studies minoring in medical humanities from Stevenson University. All prerequisites for medical, dental, PA, and other health professions are fulfilled (along with guidance in applications, service hours, MCATs, and other student services). The program takes two years and is organized around the Yeshiva schedule.
We have also partnered with Stevenson to provide a number of undergraduate options, which can be taken completely online. This includes (but is not limited to) a BS in Applied Mathematics, Actuarial Track.
Most majors at UMBC are available to our students. Many general education credits may be earned in Ner Yisroel and transferred to UMBC to be counted towards their degree.
UMGC offers many online degree options, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Our agreement with them allows NIRC students to transfer yeshiva credits towards their bachelors degrees, or use their BTL for admission to their graduate programs. Ner Yisroel students are also eligible for significant tuition discounts. More information on UMGC’s credit transfer policies can be found here.
Touro University currently offers online degrees in fields such as psychology, business, cybersecurity, amongst others. Ner Yisroel students have access to these programs, as well as online offerings through Touro University Worldwide. Touro accepts a large number of Ner Yisroel credits for transfer and provides a discounted rate for our students.
College Program Questions
How long after enrolling in yeshiva can I start going to school?
The yeshiva does not allow first-year (post high school) bochurim to attend outside institutions. Bochurim who join the yeshiva after first year are permitted to attend college classes in the spring semester following enrollment (approximately 6 months).
How will my sedarim be affected if I'm taking college courses?
This will depend greatly upon what college program you are attending. The Yeshiva allows bochurim to attend classes up to twice a week, after 5:00pm. Bochurim generally try to complete homework assignments between and after sedarim.
Do I have to pay for outside college on top of yeshiva tuition?
Yes, all college tuitions are independent from yeshiva tuition. However, it is worthwhile to note that the cost of many degrees may be significantly defrayed (depending on the specific program) due to special discounts that have been arranged for our students as well as credits transferred from the yeshiva in lieu of classes taken at that institution.
How long does it take to earn my Bachelor’s in Talmudic Law from the yeshiva?
The BTL is issued after four years of full-time yeshiva study (120 credits). Up to two years-worth of credits may be transferred in from other yeshivos, and the final semester must be a fall or spring semester attended in Ner Yisroel in order for the yeshiva to issue the degree.
What is the yeshiva’s policy regarding internet?
The Yeshiva strongly discourages internet use by our talmidim. Bochurim who are in school and require internet access are permitted to use internet for school-related activity. Anyone who has an internet capable device on campus is required to have it registered with the yeshiva. The yeshiva will install software on the device that allows monitoring of internet usage.