Weekly Alumni Shiur

Parshas Emor 5782

Parshas Emor 5782

HaRav Tzvi Krakauer offers a mehalech to explain the two sides of yichus through the...

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Parshas Kedoshim 5782

Parshas Kedoshim 5782

HaRav Shraga Neuberger shares a fascinating story of the Alter of Slabodka which sheds light on...

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Parshas Acharei 5782

Parshas Acharei 5782

HaRav Noach Shafran delves into a machlokes in the issur chatzi shiur as it pertains to...

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Pesach Message 5782

Pesach Message 5782

Menahel HaRav Boruch Neuberger extends brachos for a  Gut Yom Tov and expresses hakaras hatov to our...

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Pesach 5782

Pesach 5782

HaRav Tzvi Berkowitz explains why the Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvos counts "Bal Yei'ra'eh"...

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Pesach Kuntres 5782

Pesach Kuntres 5782

קובץ דברי תורה בעניני חג הפסח

יו״ל ע״י ישיבת נר ישראל

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Parshas Tazria 5782

Parshas Tazria 5782

HaRav Shraga Neuberger shares ha'aros on some specific leshonos used by the Rambam to show contrasts between dinim, one...

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Parshas Shemini 5782

Parshas Shemini 5782

HaRav Zalman Mintz offers different answers to the Ran's kushya between the two...

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Purim 5782

Purim 5782

Moreinu Hamashgiach HaRav Beryl Weisbord describes and explains the purpose of Amalek in creation and why Hakadosh...

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