Weekly Alumni Shiur

Parshas Vaera 5780

Parshas Vaera 5780

HaRav Zvi Einstatder explores the inyan of Pharoah's bechira in keeping the Jews enslaved in Mitzrayim throughout the makkos.

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Parshas Shemos 5780

Parshas Shemos 5780

HaRav Eliyahu Steinhardt shares a mehalech in understanding why the name which Basya bas Paroah gave Moshe is the...

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Parshas Vayechi 5780

Parshas Vayechi 5780

HaRav Noach Shafran explores a duality in Kavana b'Tefila.

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Parshas Vayigash 5780

Parshas Vayigash 5780

HaRav Shraga Neuberger touches upon a few aspects of the discussion whether one is chayiv in Kibbud Zaken or...

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Chanuka Kuntres 5780

Chanuka Kuntres 5780

קובץ דברי תורה על עניני חנוכה יו״ל ע״י ישיבת נר ישראל

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Parshas Mekeitz 5780

Parshas Mekeitz 5780

HaRav Eliahu Hakakian delves into Aron's zechus of lighting and preparing the Menorah.

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Parshas Vayeishev 5780

Parshas Vayeishev 5780

HaRav Beryl Weisbord takes a closer look at the Al Hanissim for Chanuka to show the deeper element of...

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Parshas Vayishlach 5780

Parshas Vayishlach 5780

HaRav Sheftel Neuberger explains how Yaakov Avinu teaches us the mehalech in dealing with Umos HaOlam in this week's sidra.

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Parshas Toldos 5780

Parshas Toldos 5780

HaRav Shraga Neuberger explains how the Avos teach us the chashivus of Midas haEmes.

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