Weekly Alumni Shiur

Hakdomo to Sefer Bereishis

Hakdomo to Sefer Bereishis

HaRav Ezra Neuberger gives a hakdomo to Sefer Bereishis, showing how it is separate from the other four Chumashim and how...

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Sukkos Kuntres 5779

Sukkos Kuntres 5779

קובץ דברי תורה על עניני חג הסכות מאת ישיבת נר ישראל

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Yomim Noraim Kuntres 5779

Yomim Noraim Kuntres 5779

קובץ דברי תורה על עניני ימים נוראים מאת ישיבת נר ישראל

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Approaching Rosh Hashana

Approaching Rosh Hashana

The Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aharon Feldman Shlita, pinpoints the significance of the kapitel of Tehillim "LeDovid Hashem Ori" and the importance of focusing on...

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The Issur of Lifnay Eeveir

The Issur of Lifnay Eeveir

HaRav Shraga Neuberger shares his mehalech in the posuk of "lifnay eeveir lo sitayn mich'shol" and why it may have nothing...

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Elul and the Essence of Teshuva

Elul and the Essence of Teshuva

HaRav Beryl Weisbord pinpoints the essence of teshuva and explains what our goal is during the yemei ratzon of Elul through Yom haKippurim

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The Aveilus of Tisha b'Av

The Aveilus of Tisha b’Av

HaRav Simcha Cook offers an original approach to the aveilus of Tisha b'Av and what the tachlis of it is on...

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