Weekly Alumni Shiur

Purim 5783

Purim 5783

HaRav Tzvi Berkowitz discusses the din of sending mishloach manos which are not accepted by the recipient, comparing it to a...

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Parshas Terumah 5783

Parshas Terumah 5783

HaRav Zvi Einstatder explains the famous shita of the Turei Even, that Krias Megila...

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Parshas Mishpotim 5783

Parshas Mishpotim 5783

HaRav Eliyahu Steinhardt explains a chakira in how to understand the mechanics of tashlumei dalet v'hei of a ganuv who was tovach umochar...

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Parshas Yisro 5783

Parshas Yisro 5783

HaRav Shraga Neuberger shares a fascinating idea about the Aseres Hadibros having a special nesina, as well as the practical...

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Parshas Beshalach 5783

Parshas Beshalach 5783

HaRav Benzion Mellman shares fundamental principles of tefila gleaned from the Midrash and Rashi on Bnai Yisroel's tefila by the...

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Parshas Bo 5783

Parshas Bo 5783

HaRav Noach Shafran examines the din of making birchos hamitzvos as one performs them, and how it relates...

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Parshas Va'era 5783

Parshas Va’era 5783

HaRav Tzvi Krakauer is me'ayin into the cheshbon made by Chananya, Misha'el, & Azarya to give up their lives...

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Parshas Shemos 5783

Parshas Shemos 5783

HaRav Eliahu Hakakian shares chizzuk in leading a life of contentment, a trait which will flow to...

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Parshas Vayechi 5783

Parshas Vayechi 5783

HaRav Zalman Mintz examines why Yaakov had Yosef make the shevua in the fashion he did, and...

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Parshas Vayigash 5783

Parshas Vayigash 5783

HaRav Shraga Neuberger delves into gedarim of gaining mechila for one's misdeeds from another person, and extols on...

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