Yeshiva and Mechina Chanukah Mesibos

The Yeshiva, Mechina, Kollel and Alumni had numerous mesibos during Chanuka. Alumni gathered for a Chanuka mesiba in Eretz Yisroel with the Rosh Hayeshiva shilt”a, the Kollel had a mesiba during lunch in the Ateres Lea Simcha Room, the Yeshiva and Mechina had their mesibos in the Yeshiva Rosenberg/Klein dining facility, as well as in […]

91st Annual Yeshiva Dinner – Greatness Beyond Boundaries

Boruch Hashem this year’s 91st Annual Dinner was a tremendous success, as together we celebrated this year’s dinner theme – צא ולמד “Greatness Beyond Boundaries” – highlighting the impact that Ner Yisroel has made for thousands across the globe. The day began with a Yarchei Kallah on the Yeshiva campus where alumni and guests spent time hearing […]

2nd Annual Fathers and Grandfather’s Yarchei Kallah

On Sunday November 17th, the Yeshiva hosted the second annual Yarchei Kallah for fathers and grandfathers of bais medrash bochurim.  This is a special opportunity for parents and grandparents to experience a day in Yeshiva.    The sugya d’kalla was Inyaanei Sh’vuos and Nedarim, taken from Mesechta Nedarim, the Yehsiva’s current limud. The day’s schedule was […]

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