Lag Baomer 2019
The Mechina Bochurim enjoyed a lively bonfire and late night barbecue in honor of Lag Baomer. TI’s Pre 1a enjoyed their Lag Baomer trip to the Yeshiva where each student met the Rosh Hayeshiva shlit”a and was able to say Shalom Aleichem. Afterwards they got a tour of the campus and had a chance to […]
Mechina Motzei Shabbos Parshas Zachor Mesiba 5779
The Mechina had their Purim Mesiba on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Zachor in the dining room. Special thanks to Eli Shalom and Menachem Manovich for the leibedik music and singing.
Mechina Purim Shtick
The 11th grade of the Mechina decorated the Mechina lobby and coat room to look like Pride of the Farm complete with live cows and a chicken coop for this year’s Purim Shtick
Mechina Motzei Shabbos Learning Program 2018-2019
This past Motzei Shabbos marked the last week of the Mechina’s learning program for 7th and 8th grade boys. The program ran for 17 weeks throughout the winter and attracted 100 prospective students who had the opportunity to learn with an older Mechina bochur. Each week’s learning finished with a treat and there were two […]
Mechina Alumni Gathering in Yerushalayim with Harav Simcha Cook
On Motzei Shabbos Parshas Bo, Harav Simcha Cook organized a get together Melaveh Malka for Talmidei Hamechina in Yerushalayim. Over 100 Talmidim, now learning in various Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel, attended and greeted the Menahel of the Mechina very warmly. It was a tremendous chizzuk to see so many of the Talmidei Hamechina growing and […]
Mechina Chanukah Mesibos 2018
The Mechina enjoyed the various Mesibos in the Dining Room and at their Rabbeim’s homes. It is a wonderful opportunity for each Bochur to spend time with the Rabbeim in a relaxed atmosphere. A special thank you to Mr. Bill Goldberg for providing the delicious doughnuts and latkes for all of the Mesibos.
Mechina – Simchas Bais Hashoeva 2018
Motzei Yom Tov of the first days the Mechina bochurim in Baltimore came back to Yeshiva for a special Simchas Bais Hashoeva together with their Rabbeim. Harav Bentzion Mellman shared divrei Torah in the succah following the dancing. Special thank you to Mechina alumnus Aryeh Singer for singing and current 11th grader Shlomo Sonnenberg for […]
Elul Zman begins in Yeshiva and Mechina
The Yeshiva and Mechina started Elul Zman this week. The Yeshiva started on Sunday evening and the Mechina started with Shiur and a Schmooze from Harav Simcha Cook on Tuesday evening. They are learning the beginning of Bava Kamma this zman.
Summer Learning 2018
For the fifth summer, Reb Yehuda Weiner ran an optional night seder learning program in Mercaz Torah U’Tefilla for Mechina bochurim in Baltimore. This year, Harav Simcha Cook gave a nightly shiur to bochurim coming out of 9th grade. On Thursday nights parents sponsored chulent and kugel and a lively kumzits was enjoyed by the participants.
Sefer Chofetz Chaim Chaburah Siyum
For well over a decade, there has been a chabura every morning in the Ner Yisroel Mechina that has grown larger each year. This Chabura is only for a few minutes after shacharis, and the limud is Sefer Chofetz Chaim to learn Hilchos Shemiras HaLashon and Lashon Hara. With those few minutes every single day over the course of the […]