Yeshiva and Mechina Chanukah Mesibos
The Yeshiva, Mechina, Kollel and Alumni had numerous mesibos during Chanuka. Alumni gathered for a Chanuka mesiba in Eretz Yisroel with the Rosh Hayeshiva shilt”a, the Kollel had a mesiba during lunch in the Ateres Lea Simcha Room, the Yeshiva and Mechina had their mesibos in the Yeshiva Rosenberg/Klein dining facility, as well as in […]
2nd Annual Fathers and Grandfather’s Yarchei Kallah
On Sunday November 17th, the Yeshiva hosted the second annual Yarchei Kallah for fathers and grandfathers of bais medrash bochurim. This is a special opportunity for parents and grandparents to experience a day in Yeshiva. The sugya d’kalla was Inyaanei Sh’vuos and Nedarim, taken from Mesechta Nedarim, the Yehsiva’s current limud. The day’s schedule was […]
Chanukah 5784 Mesibos
The Yeshiva, Mechina, Kollel and Alumni had numerous mesibos during Chanukah. Alumni gathered for a Chanukah mesiba in Eretz Yisroel with the Rosh Hayeshiva shilt”a, the Kollel had a mesiba during lunch in the Ateres Lea Simcha Room, the Yeshiva had their mesiba in the Yeshiva Rosenberg/Klein dining facility, and the Mechina had mesibos at […]
Fathers and Grandfather’s Yarchei Kallah
On Sunday November 19th, the Yeshiva hosted a special Yarchei Kallah on campus for the fathers and grandfathers of bais medrash bochurim – to experience a day in yeshiva. The sugya d’kalla was Inyaanei Aveida, taken from Mesechta Bava Metziah, the Yehsiva’s current limud. The day’s schedule was full of shiurim and shmuezen by various […]
Chanuka Mesibos
This week, the Kollel, Yeshiva and Mechina all had Chanuka mesibos in the Yeshiva Dining Room as well as at their Rabbeim’s homes. Yeshiva Mesiba Photos Kollel Mesiba Photos On Monday after 1st seder, Kollel Avodas Levi gathered together for a Chanuka mesiba in the Ateres Leah Simcha Hall. Rosh Hakollel Harav Ezra Neuberger addressed […]
Yeshiva Melaveh Malka Parshas Toldos
This past motzei Shabbos the bnei hayeshiva had a melaveh malka in the Yeshiva dining room. The Rosh Hayeshiva shlit”a and Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer shared divrei chizzuk. Audio Photos
Chofetz Chaim Chaburah Siyum
Nearly 300 bochurim in the Yeshiva and Mechina learn Sefer Chofetz Chaim (or other Shmiras HaLashon-related chiburim) six days a week. This Chabura, which was started by the bochurim themselves, had reached the end of the Sefer, and gathered to be misayim with a bakavodikke Seuda. Following the Hadran for the Sefer Chofetz Chaim, the Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Aharon Feldman shlit”a, started […]
Munk Family Hachnosas Sefer Torah
On Sunday, May 1st the Yeshiva held an Hachnosas Sefer Torah on campus. The new sefer was written by Rabbi Shlomo Naiman in memory and in honor of Rabbi Herman Naftoli Neuberger zt”l, the long time President of Ner Yisroel. The sefer was dedicated by the family of Dr. and Mrs. Zev Munk of Houston, […]
Ehrlich Hachnosas Sefer Torah
On Sunday, February 6th Yeshivas Ner Yisroel held an Hachnosas Sefer Torah on campus. The Torah was donated by Mrs. Helen Ehrlich of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Ehrlich was introduced to Ner Yisroel by Mr. Menachem Klein, also of Los Angeles. Mr. Klein is a longtime supporter of the Yeshiva whose son’s Calev, Reuven and […]
Chanukah Mesibos 5782
Yeshiva Mesiba Kollel Mesiba Mechina Mesiba Mechina Mesiba at Rabbeim’s Homes