Weekly Alumni Shiur

Chukas 5782

Chukas 5782

HaRav Beryl Weisbord explains an underlying principle of the entire Torah and all the mitzvos contained in "Zos...

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Parshas Korach 5782

Parshas Korach 5782

HaRav Dovid Rosenbaum seeks p'shat in a Rambam regarding kohanim and levi'im performing the wrong avoda.

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Parshas Shelach 5782

Parshas Shelach 5782

HaRav Eliyahu Steinhardt shares insight into the mussar behind the Meraglim's mistake of not...

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Behalos'cha 5782

Behalos’cha 5782

HaRav Zvi Einstatder compares the shitos haRishonim of what exactly happened in the story that brought about Pesach...

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Naso 5782

Naso 5782

HaRav Shraga Neuberger delves into the Rambam's approach to Ahavas Hashem as seen through Sefer Ahava and...

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Shavuos Message 5782

Shavuos Message 5782

Menahel HaRav Boruch Neuberger extends brachos for a  Gut Yom Tov, and expresses hakaras hatov to...

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Shavuos 5782

Shavuos 5782

HaRav Ezra Neuberger offers insightful perspective to the totality of kabolas haTorah as the event(s) unfolded in history.

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Shavuos Kuntres 5782

Shavuos Kuntres 5782

קובץ דברי תורה בעניני חג השבועות

יו״ל ע״י ישיבת נר ישראל

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Parshas Bechukosai 5782

Parshas Bechukosai 5782

HaRav Eliyahu Steinhardt explains the implications of "hirhur k'dibbur domi" as it applies Sefiras HaOmer,...

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Parshas Behar 5782

Parshas Behar 5782

HaRav Pinchos Jurkowitz explains a machlokes regarding the relationship & simcha of Lag BaOmer...

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