
Yarchei Kallah for the Sephardic Community of Baltimore

Yarchei Kallah for the Sephardic Community of Baltimore

Sunday, September 22, the Yeshiva hosted a special Yarchei Kallah for the Sephardic Community of Baltimore.  In preparation for the Yomim Noraim former Talmidim and friends of Ner Yisroel spent the day on campus hearing shiurim and divrei chizuk from Moreinu Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Aharon Feldman, shlita, Harav Shraga Neuberger, Harav Yissocher Frand and Harav Tzvi Berkowitz.

This Yarchei Kallah was an occasion to continue the longstanding relationship between Yeshivas Ner Yisroel and the Baltimore Sephardic Community.  Much thanks to Rabbi Moshe Parizadeh for his initiative in planning Sunday’s event and his efforts in arranging the many shiurim.
