Weekly Alumni Shiur

Parshas Bechukosai 5784

Parshas Bechukosai 5784

HaRav Simcha Cook suggests a novel mehalech in a stira in the Rambam regarding a person who is...

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Parshas Behar 5784

Parshas Behar 5784

HaRav Noach Shafran discusses the chiddush of the Taz and Rabbi Akiva Eiger in dinei ribbis...

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Parshas Emor 5784

Parshas Emor 5784

HaRav Benzion Mellman shares an important yesod in middos we see from the mitzvah of sefiras...

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Parshas Kedoshim 5784

Parshas Kedoshim 5784

HaRav Shraga Neuberger elaborates on Rashi's comment that our parsha was said b'hakhel, and explains the delicate balance that...

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Pesach 5784

Pesach 5784

HaRav Eliyahu Hakkakian shares a difficult medrash that discusses the importance of adam in the creation,...

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Parshas Shemini 5784

Parshas Shemini 5784

HaRav Dovid Rosenbaum discusses the issue of chatzi shiur by the issur of cohanim peforming avodah after...

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Parshas Tzav 5784

Parshas Tzav 5784

HaRav Yissocher Frand points out that all the korbanos we find in parshas Tzav are also found in parshas...

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Purim 5784

Purim 5784

HaRav Yehuda Weiner shares a very novel mahalach of the Chasam Sofer regarding the kabbolas HaTorah...

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